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Plugins / Codeberg Pages Deploy

Codeberg Pages Deploy

by Kamila Borowska

Deploy project to Codeberg Pages

Codeberg Pages Deploy plugin for Woodpecker CI

Codeberg Pages Deploy plugin automatically deploys a directory to pages branch.


To use the plugin add a step similar to this after creating a directory containing static page contents.

    folder: dist
      from_secret: ssh_key

Generate an SSH key using the following command.

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f /tmp/out

In Woodpecker CI settings, create a secret called ssh_key containing a private key stored in /tmp/out file.

In Codeberg repository settings, add a Deploy Key with Write Acccess using a public key stored in /tmp/ file.


Key Information Required
folder Directory containing static page contents. Yes
ssh_key SSH deploy key, usually passed as a secret. Yes
repository_name Repository name to deploy to, if not specified it will deploy to the repository the workflow is running from. No
branch Branch to deploy to. Defaults to pages. No
git_config_name Customizes the name that is attached to the deployment commit, defaults to commit author username. No
git_config_email Customizes the email that is attached to the deployment commit, defaults to commit author email address. No